ABCDE – 5 Techniques to Prevent Heart Disease

There are many heart problems today. What are the main things to pay attention to to prevent raga? Avoid alcohol and stop smoking completely and limit alcohol consumption. Keep your body weight under control. Prevent obesity. If you are overweight, reduce it. It is good to have checkups from time to time. Diet is essential in our diet.

Doing exercises properly and doing meditations can help improve our heart health in a positive way. This can be called ABCDE rule. But those with an angiogram may need an angioplasty or bypass. Everyone feels fear and tension when they hear the word bypass. But due to lack of clear knowledge about it, everyone is afraid of it due to this kind of vagueness.

Bypass has also seen many changes today. Key hole surgery is one of them. Keyhole surgery differs from regular surgery in that recovery is quick. Not all patients can undergo this keyhole surgery. About 50 percent of patients can have keyhole surgery, and other patients choose which type of surgery they can have.

We can choose the type of surgery only after proper tests. In normal surgeries we can get back to normal only after about 12 weeks but for keyhole surgery it takes only about 12 days to get back to normal. Since only a small hole is made, the risk of infection is very low. Keyhole surgery is more effective than conventional surgery. To know more, watch the video below.