Know about jaundice.

Jaundice is seen in most diseases affecting the liver. How Jaundice Occurs Jaundice occurs due to an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Bilarubin is a bile pigment. It is stored behind the liver in a place called the gall bladder. It is a yellow-orange pigment.

Jaundice is seen in hepatitis ABCD viruses, alcoholics, use of any type of steroids or any auto-immune diseases or due to factory chemicals. Hepatitis is the main cause of jaundice. There are two types of hepatitis. Acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. Acute hepatitis can be cured within six months. On the other hand, it usually lasts for more than six months for those who use alcohol. Hepatitis is mainly a waterborne disease. This usually happens when you eat something like juices from outside.

This virus appears after ten to 20 days after entering our body. Hepatitis P is a sexually transmitted disease. Hepatitis E is also transmitted mostly through water. Jaundice should not be treated as a symptom, it should be taken seriously and treated. Its main symptoms are yellowing of the tip of the nose, loss of appetite, constipation, itchy stomach, nausea and vomiting. If you see these symptoms, see your doctor immediately as a precaution. It is important to pay attention to these things. To know more detailed information about this, watch the video below.